Work With Me

Letโ€™s Work Togetherphoto of lindsay in the kitchen standing with a pink cake on a cream colored cake stand

Thank you for your interest in working with me! The blog began back in 2012 and has become the place for all things sweet. Two to three new recipes are published weekly. Youโ€™ll find everything from treats for everyday life to over-the-top desserts for special occasions. Life, Love and Sugar is a trusted source for great dessert recipes.

Life, Love and Sugar has been featured online at, BuzzFeed, The Huffington Post, Better Homes and Gardens, Cake Central Magazine, Fox News Magazine, Cosmopolitan,, Country Living, Womanโ€™s Day,, and more. You may have also seen my work featured in print in Womanโ€™s World Magazine several times. (See more)

I live in Atlanta, GA with my husband and twin boys and have a background in journalism, design and marketing with a degree in Design and Multimedia from the School of Journalism at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. I released of my first cookbook, Simply Beautiful Homemade Cakes, in October 2016.

I have previously worked with great companies such as KitchenAid, Kings Hawaiian, Driscollโ€™s Berries, Baileys Coffee Creamers, Challenge Dairy, Walkers Shortbread and more and would love to work with you!

There are various ways we can work together:

  • Recipe Development
  • Sponsored Posts
  • Brand Ambassadorship
  • Social Media
  • Photography
  • Videos

Have something else in mind? Iโ€™d love to hear it!

To start working together, reach out to Lindsay at lifeloveandsugar [at] gmail [dot] com!

Advertising: My ads are run through a private agency. As such I am currently not accepting any additional display advertising.

Guest Posting: I do not currently accept guest posts.


Disclosure for my readers

I am sometimes compensated to work with brands and companies. I do not accept payment to publish positive feedback on a product. All opinions written in my posts are entirely my own. Sponsored content is always clearly identified. Full Disclosure



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    Scripture Iโ€™m Loving

    โ€œCome to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.โ€ Matthew 11:28-29

    Lindsay's Top 10: Best Dessert Recipes!

    Tried-and-true, delicious sweets & treats for every craving.

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