McKenzie is One!

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My sweet little girl is a whole year old! Technically sheโ€™s now 14 months. We tried to get photos back closer to her birthday in November, but the kids were all sick on and off for 6 weeks so we had to cancel two different photo dates. Eventually we had to wait until after Christmas, so here we are!

McKenzie sitting on a bed and looking at the camera with a  sweet smile
Lindsay, Ashton and Brooks sitting on a cream couch
Ashton on left, Brooks on right

Anyhow, life marches on and McKenzie is doing great. She is such a happy, sweet baby with lots of personality. Sheโ€™s really independent and will totally just play on her own a good bit of the time. But when she wants your attention, she lets you know. Sheโ€™s not afraid to give you a little scream when sheโ€™s unhappy and sheโ€™s definitely not afraid of her older brothers, LOL. In fact, last night Ashton started to pitch a little fit when I gave him crackers instead of chips (gotta love 3 year olds) and when he turned to run away from me, he ran right into her and knocked her down. She wasnโ€™t hurt, but she was not happy that he knocked her down. She grabbed onto his legs, started shaking them (as much as she could given her small size) and yelling. I literally had to pry her off of him. He just stood there and looked at me like, โ€œWhat do I do?โ€ It certainly stopped his fit, LOL.

Speaking of her and her brothers, they really are pretty good with her. They definitely are learning about being gentle with her and sometimes like to do things like pour a box of toys right over her head, but there are lots and lots of times when they really love to play nicely with her. One of the best times is in the mornings. They love having her sit on the couch with them and they take turns snuggling with her and giving her hugs and kisses. They really try very hard to be sweet and gentle with her. Itโ€™s pretty sweet. So regardless of the normal kid stuff where they love each other sometimes and hate each other sometimes, you can tell they all love each other and already are forming pretty cool relationships. Considering how close Ashton and Brooks are given that they are twins and total best friends, itโ€™s really awesome to see how much they love and enjoy their sister too. And my gosh, she thinks they are the most amazing things.

So last time we โ€œtalkedโ€, McKenzie wasnโ€™t quite crawling yet, but Iโ€™m pretty sure it was only a matter of a few weeks before she was. She was 8 months when she started and it didnโ€™t seem like walking would be far behind. She seemed pretty determined. But then in September she got Covid and I think it wiped her energy a little bit. She basically had congestion and a very runny nose and was super tired. Sheโ€™d stay awake for about an hour at a time and then sleep for 3 hours โ€“ and then sheโ€™d still sleep through the night after sleeping most of the day. She also had a low grade fever for a couple days, which was her first symptom. But it all really only lasted for 3-4 days and then she was fine. But I do think it took a little time to get her energy back.

Not terribly long after that, her brothers got sick and just couldnโ€™t kick it. It lasted about 6 weeks and started with a sinus infection. Over time they ended up with pink eye (donโ€™t even get me started on the torture that is trying to put drops in their eyes), which McKenzie ended up with too. They all had ear infections โ€“ Ashton had one ear, Brooks both and McKenzie just one โ€“ her first. Then the boy ended up with a cough that was intense. It was awful. Poor Ashton would cough all night long and he was miserable. Eventually Brooks got going at night too. Theyโ€™d cough so much that theyโ€™d end up throwing up. It lasted for what felt like forever. We were all exhausted. Then they both got fevers again and Ashtonโ€™s spiked like crazy (this was after being on his 4th antibiotic) and went up to almost 108 when we were snuggling on the couch (it came right back down to 101 after the hubs put him in a luke warm bath), so both boys ended up at urgent care. They finally gave them a fifth antibiotic. That one was finally doing the trick, but wasnโ€™t quite for long enough. Fortunately at this point I knew that they needed a few more days on the medication or the coughing would be coming back (as it had done every time before), so the pediatrician agreed and we got a few more days and it knocked it out. But it was rough. Ashton still gets a little wiggy if he ever wakes up at night because of coughing. He remembers. It was brutal.

Anyhow, I think all the sickness and not feeling well threw McKenzie off and she waited until 13 months to start walking. Basically it was the week before Christmas when she started. Everyone was finally better and she had interest again and within about 2 weeks, she was walking and hasnโ€™t looked back.

All three kids sitting together on a bed smiling
Brooks on left, Ashton on right
McKenzie sitting in a hanging swing chair

So eating habits โ€“ we did make it to a year on breastmilk. I did a lot of nursing, but as she got more mobile, she was less interested in nursing. We evenly just switched her to a sippy cup because she didnโ€™t really need the bottle and was pretty over nursing. It ended far sooner than I expected. This girl is independent, for sure. Plus, for some reason my supply just kind of decreased. I still had enough to get us to a year, along with frozen milk that I had, but the lack of excess added to McKenzieโ€™s loss of interest in nursing, I think.

At about a year, she started drinking regular whole milk. I had wondered a little how that would go because she did seem to have a bit of a dairy sensitivity early on. She had a touch of eczema too, which are two things that apparently to go together for babies. Iโ€™d been told that babies often outgrow both things by a year old and thatโ€™s definitely been true for her.

As for solids, she has been SO different than the boys. The boys were such good eaters of fruits and veggies and everything for so long. Theyโ€™ve really only started hating on their veggies in the last 6 months or so. But McKenzie just has not been into veggies โ€“ like at all. Sheโ€™s more of a bread and pasta kind of gal. She will do fruit, but not the way the boys would. They will still devour fresh fruit if you plop a container in front of them. She is hit or miss. Sheโ€™s actually relatively picky and itโ€™s kind of tough because I end up feeling like I need to fix different meals for her, the boys and us parents. I try to do that as little as possible though.

Sheโ€™s also into snacking, which is definitely her brothersโ€™ influence. They are less into meals these days and more into snacks. Goldfish is a HUGE favorite for all three of them. The boys will go to the pantry and start grabbing things and while Iโ€™m trying to sort through it all with them, sheโ€™s already grabbed her bag of goldfish and taken off with it. She really is a character and wants to do everything her brothers do. Itโ€™s adorable. But it also highlights for me how different it is when a child has an older sibling (or two) to look up to. She learns and does things so much quicker. Sheโ€™s a very smart little girl.

McKenzie is also working on talking. Sheโ€™s been saying โ€œmamamamamamaโ€ and โ€œdadadadadadaโ€ for quite a while, but thatโ€™s becoming more distinguishable as โ€œmamamaโ€ and โ€œdadadaโ€ now. The hubs would say that โ€œdadaโ€ was her first word because was was doing โ€œdadadadadaโ€ first. He believes the boys said โ€œmamaโ€ first, so I guess thatโ€™s fair. Sheโ€™ll also point to things and say โ€œdatโ€ for โ€œthatโ€ and we heard her say โ€œnigh nighโ€ in response to the hubs when he said โ€œnight nightโ€ the other night. So sheโ€™s definitely working on some words and itโ€™s very clear she understands A LOT.

Lindsay holding McKenzie and smiling at her
Lindsay holding McKenzie up and kissing her cheek

Sheโ€™s also got a bunch of teeth. The front 4 on top and bottom are all in โ€“ so a total of 8 there. And then her two molars on top are in, for a complete total of 10. Just waiting on the bottom two molars.

As for things she loves, outside of her mama, dada and brothers, she loves her monkeys. She has lots of stuffed animal monkeys and they are her faves. She also loves riding around in any kind of car. Motorized ones, ones you push her in โ€“ you name it. She sits back and relaxes and screams as soon as you try to take her out when itโ€™s time to be done. Girl can pitch a fit already! She will run away (in her cut little baby run) screaming and throw herself down. She also loves slides and swings and playing in the bath.

She also LOVES dogs. Any time we see a dog, she points and wants to see and pet it. And sheโ€™s very gentle. Strangers will tells us how much she needs a dog and itโ€™s trueโ€ฆ

Which brings me to some sad news. Our black lab, Jessie, passed away in August. She was almost 11. It was super sudden and a touch traumatic. Over the last year, weโ€™d taken her to the vet several times telling them that she didnโ€™t seem like herself, wouldnโ€™t do much and she seemed to be in pain. They told us every time that she was just getting old and they would give us 10 days worth of pain medicine and send her home. It didnโ€™t really seem right to me, but she was my first dog Iโ€™ve ever had so I really didnโ€™t know. I tried getting her an orthopedic dog bed for older dogs to try to help with the joint pain she supposedly had. She did seem to like it. But eventually she started to have a hard time getting down stairs to go outside to go to bathroom. Thereโ€™s stairs every way out of our house, so I started taking her out where there were only two to try to help her. Then she stopped eating. It was kind of hit or miss for a week or so and we finally took her in when she wouldnโ€™t put weight down on her leg one night. The hubs took her while I stayed with the kids. They did an x-ray to check for bone cancer and when they didnโ€™t find anything, they told him it was old age โ€“ again โ€“ and sent her home with some pain meds. The meds helped and she started eating, but a few days before the medication was gone, she stopped eating again. I called the vet and made an appointment. I had also started to notice that her belly looked swollen. This time I took her. They said they could do another x-ray and I said you need to do an ultrasound of her belly. They agreed to do it, took her back and almost immediately came back and told me she had tons of cancer in her organs. It was bad. They told us we could take her home and say goodbye, but that she didnโ€™t have much time. This was a Wednesday. We made an appointment to put her to sleep Friday after debating a bit. It felt SO FAST. It was hard to believe we were all of a sudden putting her down after being told over and over that it was old age. But she wasnโ€™t eating and was clearly in pain and as much as we didnโ€™t want to say goodbye so quickly, we now knew that she was suffering and didnโ€™t want her to suffer anymore. So Friday came and as we were loading her into the car, she started vomiting blood. When they gave her the injection, they had barely finished and she was gone. Our poor girl was just so tired. Itโ€™s still so hard to think about. I just hate that she was in pain and we didnโ€™t really know it. She was such an amazing dog and our first baby. She was the best.

So yea, McKenzie doesnโ€™t have a dog anymore, which is a bummer because she is a BIG dog lover.

The five of us sitting on a cream colored couch
Brooks on left, Ashton on right
Lindsay holding McKenzie in the swing chair

As for things McKenzie absolutely does not like, the list is short. She will not stand for ANYTHING on her head. Nothing. A bow? Not having it. A hat? Even one to keep her warm? Donโ€™t even think about it. Sheโ€™ll rip that thing right off and if it wonโ€™t come off quickly enough, she gets angry. She doesnโ€™t even want a towel on her head longer than it takes to quickly dry her hair off a bit when she gets out of the tub. Itโ€™s so funny too because the boys LOVED hooded towels. Theyโ€™d put them on after a bath and run around in their little towel capes and laugh and have the best time. She has no interest at all. If it goes on her head, itโ€™s a no.

She went down to one nap at about 11 months. She kind of just did it on her own. Sheโ€™s really been kind of an amazing sleeper since birth. The boys were always a challenge. They didnโ€™t get down to one nap until about 18 months and that was with A LOT of effort. McKenzie just does the sleep and nap transitions effortlessly. Itโ€™s quite lovely, but I can tell you itโ€™s really just something about the individual babies. Iโ€™ve done much of the same things with both the boys and her, but she just does things without me even having to try.

McKenzie really is a great baby and is quickly becoming a toddler, I guess. Sheโ€™s doing so well. Healthy as can be, feisty, fun and sweet. Sheโ€™s got us all smitten.

The boys turn 4 next week, which is hard to believe. They have a Spiderman party coming up this weekend. Theyโ€™ve been watching Spidey and His Amazing Friends on Disney and love it. So they are growing up and doing great. They started preschool back in the fall at a church down the road. Itโ€™s just two days a week for a few hours, but they are enjoying it. I just signed them up for next year and theyโ€™ll start going 4 days a week in preparation for kindergarten (what!?!?) the following year.

McKenzie taking a bit of a pink smash cake
All three kids sitting around a smash cake and eating it
Brooks on left, Ashton on right

Those two boys truly have endless amounts of energy. And HIGH energy. With LOTS of noise and destruction and wrestling. But they also have really gotten into imaginative play and since they always have a best friend with them, they play with each other all the time in really cute ways. Their favorite is to pretend that they are โ€œAunt Iolaโ€ (my husbandโ€™s sister) and her dog, Ruby. They put Ruby to bed, feed her, take her on walks around the house, etc. Brooks, who is the dog, will even come and lick you. Itโ€™s a scream. Ashton is always โ€œAunt Iolaโ€, while Brooks is โ€œRubyโ€. They also pretend to be a baby and his daddy, dinosaurs who like to destroy all the things, and Catboy and Gecko from PJ Masks. They are definitely into costumes, like their PJ Mask costumes from Halloween. Itโ€™s fun to watch them when they are doing those things. Their little conversations can be so cute and funny. One night Ashton even put โ€œbaby Jesusโ€ on a blanket and wrapped him up because heโ€™d just been born in Bethlehem. They are adorable and a handful all at the same time.

As for me โ€“ Iโ€™m doing pretty well. Working on the losing the weight I gained with pregnancy and postpartum โ€“ always my favorite thing โ€“ only not. I try to wake up before the kids get up to work out, but the boys are such early risers, thatโ€™s hard to do. Ashton is typically awake by 5:30 am and Brooks usually isnโ€™t far behind. We had stopped using the Hatch time-to-wake light for a while, but have gone back to it recently. It turns green at 6am so that I can just barely have enough time to wake up at 5am and try to get a work out in.

But most days, Iโ€™m just trying to survive, LOL. Thereโ€™s the ever growing to-do list to balance along with wanting to spend time with and enjoy my kids. Isnโ€™t that parenting in a nutshell? We are fortunate to have a wonderful nanny that we all love to help make things go a little more smoothly. Our first nanny actually left right before McKenzie was born, so we had a couple different ones over the past year before our first nanny actually ended up coming back. Finding the right nanny for your family isnโ€™t an easy task and we definitely hit the nail on the head the first time. After being separated for a bit, we realized we wanted to be back together and itโ€™s been great.

So yea, we are doing well, McKenzie is great and we are just trying to navigate this crazy world we live in right now. Itโ€™s hard having young kids and wanting to be able to expose them to life, but having to hold them back because of everything going on with Covid. They go to school, swim lessons, church and the park, but otherwise donโ€™t do as much as Iโ€™d like. Hopefully thatโ€™ll change sooner rather than later. In the meantime, we are thankful that we have young kids that donโ€™t really understand it all and are enjoying being their parents. I wonโ€™t say itโ€™s easy โ€“ we are permanently exhausted โ€“ but we love the heck out of them and wouldnโ€™t have it any other way.

McKenzie kneeling by the smash cake and taking a bite

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  1. Janet Seath

    I get so many wonderful comments on your cakes that l make,they are just awesome recipes.
    Looking at your pics,you have such a beautiful family,luv to them all from bonnie Scotland xx

  2. Donise Cinnamon

    Your kids are so cute. I am surprised that McKenzie left the crown on. Her little cake looks yummy. We had to help our oldest dog cross the rainbow bridge in November. I hope that you all continue to stay safe and well.

    1. Lindsay

      You are right! She initially ripped it right off! The first few pictures our photographer took, she didnโ€™t have it on. But then she started eating the cake and didnโ€™t care anymore, LOL. Sorry to hear about your pup!!

  3. Connie Winter

    Thank you for sharing this update on your family! I am so sorry for the loss of your dog last August. So frustrating for you. Write a story of your memories of her. I did that with one of my dogs, it really helped me. Beautiful children, so nice they adore each other (at least part of the time).

  4. Roxane Anderson

    Lindsay-you have gorgeous children- I am so glad you are enjoying them even though you are exhausted- It will get better- My deepest sympathies on the loss of your beloved dog!! It is so hard!! We lost our baby in June, and I still cry multiple times a week because we miss her so very much- Thanks for sharing with all of us, it was so enjoyable to read! Best, Roxane

  5. Victoria Pliagas

    Lindsay, you all look wonderful and the children are so beautiful! Really love the pink tutu and matching frosted cake pic! Happy to hear things are going well; however we did tear up after reading about your sweet dog Jessie. We are always making your recipes and love them! Thanks for sharing it all!

  6. Julie McAuley

    I love your recipes and I love reading about you and your family. Happy that you are all doing well. So very sorry about your dog. Our 14 year old Shih Szu died 5 weeks ago in my arms. Donโ€™t think my husband and I will ever recover from the loss. She was our โ€œbabyโ€.

  7. Debbie

    Lovely ! Itโ€™s been a real pleasure to share this journey through photos and your posts. Thank you for including all of us!

  8. Deborah

    Dear Lindsay;
    Thank you so much for sharing with us! Our children are our living treasures, and Godโ€™s greatest gift to us besides the sacrifice of His Beloved Son, Jesus. How you have been blessed with such a wonderful and truly beautiful family! And somehow, you still find time to share with us!
    You are appreciated and loved by so many! One day, I pray that your beautiful children realize how very blessed they are to have parents like you and your husband. Until then, may God continue to richly bless you all, and God Bless us- every one!

  9. Sally North

    Beautiful family, the boys are so cute and little Mckensie is a beauty. Sorry to hear about your dog. I have been there and know how hard it is to say goodbye. Stay well and keep sending the great recipes.

  10. Sue, Blair and Meghan Youmans

    What a lovely run down of your wonderful life. It was a great read while enjoying my coffee. Enjoy!

  11. Angie

    Beautiful family photos. Your kids are adorable. I have a granddaughter who is 16mos. She has two brothers 5 & 9 who love (gently)rough housing with her and she no problem with it. But they also hug and watch out for her..Blessings to you and family..

  12. Ellen Davis

    Hi Lindsay your family pics are beautiful. I love your daughters dress.
    I have made many of your recipes their all delicious.

    I just have one issue to discuss. I find that there is a lot of sugar in the recipes especially the icing. There is so much obesity in the country and the children are eating too much sugar and carbs.

    Can you put together a butter cream icing that has half the amount of sugar especially for people who do not like very sweet icing.
    Thank you all your good recipes.
    Take care.

    1. Lindsay

      Thanks Ellen!

      Thanks for sharing your concerns about the sugar content. My view on it as far as my recipes goes is that for the most part, these cake and other dessert recipes are largely special occasion type cakes. Assuming they arenโ€™t being eaten everyday (and I would assume they arenโ€™t), I donโ€™t really see them being the problem when it comes to weight. There are LOTS of foods and things that contribute to those issues for people.

      That said, as far as my buttercream goes, you can definitely feel free to reduce the amount of powdered sugar to a level that makes you comfortable. I have people tell me all the time that they reduced it and it worked well for them. My buttercream ingredient proportions are pretty standard for an American style buttercream and will be similar to others you would find, I just tend to use a decent amount of it because of how I like to build and decorate my cakes. I include that amount of frosting in the recipe so that others can recreate the cake as shown. But it can always be adjusted. You have a couple options โ€“ reduce the overall amount of buttercream, meaning youโ€™d reduce all ingredients by the same proportion so that it has the same consistency but thereโ€™s less of it. Or you can use the same amount of butter and flavorings and just reduce the sugar. The later option will give you a buttercream that is softer. Thatโ€™s totally fine, depending on how you like to frost and decorate your cakes. I hope that helps!

  13. Michelle Brizendine

    Hi Lindsey. Youโ€™re kids are beautiful! Your baby is gorgeous! The boys look so grown!!! Iโ€™m glad covid didnโ€™t cause anything permanent for your family. Iโ€™m very sorry for your loss of the family dog. How very sad and you made the right call. Dogs canโ€™t talk so thereโ€™s no way you would have ever known. Maybe another doggie would be a good idea down the road. I hear ya on losing weight. I have struggled my whole life with weight but my newest daughter who is now 19 months I had terrible post partum depression. So I gained a lot. Keto has really helped but still looking for time to work out. I canโ€™t afford a nanny so itโ€™s much harder. Anyway I wanted to let you know youโ€™re not alone. Thanks for all the awesome recipes. Take care and please keep us updated.

    1. Lindsay

      Thank you, Michelle!

      Iโ€™m sorry to hear about the postpartum depression. I experienced a bit of a hard time for about 6 weeks after the boys were born. Not sure that it was that, but I can only imagine how hard that would be. I hope you are doing better now and Iโ€™m glad to hear that keto is working well. I also try to keep to low-carb options when losing weight. Itโ€™s hard!

About Lindsay

Iโ€™m the baker, recipe developer and photographer behind Life, Love and Sugar. I love sharing trusted recipes with helpful tips to give you great results.



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