Funfetti Cake Batter Ice Cream Cake with Rainbow Chip Icing

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This Funfetti Cake Batter Ice Cream Cake with Rainbow Chip Icing is made with layers of Funfetti cake and no churn cake batter ice cream. It’s an easy, festive and fun ice cream cake recipe that’s perfect for special occasions!

If you enjoy ice cream cake as much as I do, you should also try my Copycat Dairy QueenĀ IceĀ CreamĀ Cake or my Oatmeal Chocolate Chip CookieĀ IceĀ CreamĀ Cake!

A slice of Funfetti Ice Cream Cake on white plate with the rest of the cake behind it

Funfetti Ice Cream Cake Is Perfect For Birthdays

So today is a mix of feelings.

I’m am bummed about the Panthers game last night. Could that have been more embarrassing?

I am bummed that Funfetti week is coming to an end. It’s been so tasty!

But! I am so excited to share with you the final Funfetti recipe! Funfetti Cake Batter Ice Cream Cake with Rainbow Chip Icing!

And it’s Friday!

But back to the cake. The Funfetti Ice Cream Pie was my hubs’ fave until I made this. This is just TOO AWESOME! I love it. It’s so pretty. I love the rainbow chip icing on top. It’s cheerful. Just like a Funfetti cake should be.

I actually am quite a fan of ice cream cakes. They have been my cake of choice for my birthday for many years now. You get regular cake at all kinds of occasions. And my dad’s always a sure thing for a good cookie cake. So I go with an ice cream one to round things out and mix it up.

Besides, there are some seriously delicious ice cream cakes out there. This is clearly one of them. But for the last few years I have been getting the Birthday Cake Remix cake from Cold Stone. It rocks! It has all these amazing pieces of brownie in it too. Delish!

Top view of a whole Funfetti Cake Batter Ice Cream Cake With Rainbow Chip Icing with a slice missing

You may be wondering why I don’t make my own birthday cake. Well, last year was the first year that I was actually making cakes, so that would have been the first time I’d have been able to.

But here’s the problem. My birthday is on Christmas. Think about that for a second.

People’s first reaction is usually “How cool! Double the presents!”

No, my friends. It’s not cool. And here’s why.

1. I share my birthday. It’s usually “Merry Christmas! Oh yea, and Happy Birthday.”

Don’t get me wrong, I love Jesus and I’m thrilled to celebrate his birth. I’m not knocking his day at all. It just overshadows mine, as would be expected.

2. I don’t want double presents. I want a special mid-year treat.

3. Birthday party? What birthday party?? Who would come? Aside from the immediate fam who I usually celebrate with (which I totally appreciate, love you guys!).

Everyone is always focused on the holiday and going out of town. For example, most people have big 21st birthday celebrations. I was lucky to find one bar open on my birthday and manage to have my now husband and a friend there for a drink or two. And it’s not like we can have a party right after Christmas either. People are still out of town and by the time they get back, there’s another holiday. New Year’s Eve. And then guess what! Then my brother and my husband both have birthday’s in the first 2 weeks of January. I don’t stand a chance! And they kind of get screwed too.

Side view of a cut Funfetti Cake Batter Ice Cream Cake so you can see the ice cream and sprinkles in the middle

That’s why my ultimate goal is to not have a baby from the months of October to March. April through September are good. I am determined to not screw over my child. Nor do I want any more birthdays so close together!

Do I sound bitter? Maybe a little? Sorry. It’s cool. Really. I’m used to it.

But with all that goes on a Christmas, even I am busy and usually going out of town. Therefore, not much time to make myself a super awesome cake. I could probably make time, but then I’d stress out over it and it wouldn’t be worth it.

By the time the last week or so before Christmas comes, I just want to relax and enjoy the season. Regardless of my birthday issues, it is my favorite holiday, hands down!

Close up of a slice of Funfetti Ice Cream Cake on white plate

So, if you like ice cream cake and Funfetti like I do, here’s an awesome recipe to help you combine them!

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A slice of Funfetti Ice Cream Cake on white plate with the rest of the cake behind it

Funfetti Cake Batter Ice Cream Cake with Rainbow Chip Icing

  • Author: Lindsay
  • Prep Time: 1 Hr 10 Min
  • Cook Time: 30 Min
  • Total Time: 1 Hr 40 Mins, Plus Freezing
  • Yield: 12-14 Slices
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Oven
  • Cuisine: American


This Funfetti Cake Batter Ice Cream Cake with Rainbow Chip Icing is made with layers of Funfetti cake and no churn cake batter ice cream. It’s an easy, festive and fun ice cream cake recipe that’s perfect for special occasions!



  • 1 box Funfetti cake mix
  • Ingredients listed on the back of the cake mix


  • 1/4 cup milk + 6 tbsp
  • 1 3/4 cup cake mix (from a second box of cake mix), toasted
  • 8 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 8 oz Cool Whip, thawed


  • 12 cans Betty Crocker Rainbow Chip Icing (filling)
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup shortening
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 23 tbsp water or milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract



Bake according to instructions on box. Make 2 layers of cake either 8 or 9 inches.


1. Mix cake mix and 6 tbsp of milk together. It will be thick.
2. Mix the cream cheese, milk, cake mix mixture and sugar together with an electric mixer. Mix until smooth.
3. Gently fold in Cool Whip.


1. Beat butter and shortening until smooth.
2. Slowly add 2 cups of powdered sugar.
3. Add vanilla extract and mix.
4. Add a tablespoon of water or milk and combine.
5. Add other 2 cups of powdered sugar and beat to combine.
6. Add more water until desired consistency is reached.


1. Use the same size pan that was used to make the funfetti cake. Put parchment paper in the bottom of the pan and around the sides. This will keep the cake from sticking to sides and allow you to be able to remove it when done. You could also use a springform pan.
2. Put one layer of the funfetti cake into the bottom of your pan.
3. Add a filling layer of rainbow chip icing.
4. Add the ice cream. It’s best to make the ice cream right before you put the cake together so that it’s still soft and spreadable.
5. Add another filling layer of rainbow chip icing.
6. Add second layer of funfetti cake.
7. Freeze for several hours, until hard.
8. Add a layer of rainbow chip icing to the top of the cake.
9. Ice the sides of the cake with either American buttercream (as I did), whipped cream (for something lighter) or more rainbow chip icing.
10. Freeze.


  • Serving Size: 1 Slice
  • Calories: 844
  • Sugar: 97.5 g
  • Sodium: 500.7 mg
  • Fat: 41.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 115.1 g
  • Protein: 4.8 g
  • Cholesterol: 74.3 mg

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Recipe rating 5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star


      The whipped cream lightens it up and breaks up the cream cheese. I wouldn’t leave it out.

  1. kristen

    This cake has been in the freezer for three days. Looks amazing. How long should I defrost so its ready to cut?

  2. Janara

    I have just made this awesome cake today, and I just had to say how amazing the ice cream layer tastes! The cake probably only got half of it on by the time I licked the spoon (the heavily coated spoon) and then My three little boys had to “lick the spoon” too. AMAZING!!!! Looking forward to eating the finished cake tonight (if it lasts that long!)


      I’m so glad you liked it! I am such a funfetti fan – it’s amazing the desserts stick around long enough for me to even take pictures. šŸ™‚

  3. Vanessa

    I was so ready to make this for fourth of July. Too bad Betty Crocker discontinued the Rainbow Chip Frosting! šŸ™


      Are you sure they discontinued it? I know it can be tough to find. I normally find it at Walmart.

  4. StacyA

    If you’re having trouble finding funfetti products, the cake mix is simply french vanilla (or white) plus rainbow sprinkles…the rainbow chip icing is white/vanilla icing with rainbow sprinkles or chips. Easy! A friend made this cake for her son’s bday and all he could say was “mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.” I’m thinking funfetti waffles, cookies, quick breads, scones….

  5. Rachel

    I made this cake for my husband’s birthday yesterday. It was delicious, however I was disappointed that the ” ice cream” layer never really froze completely. As a result, the top layer of cake had a tendency to squish down the “ice cream” layer whille frosting and resulted in more of a tire shape than a straight sided layer cake. Any thoughts? The rest of the items in my freezer stayed ice cold.


      Hmmm, I’m not sure. I’ve never had that problem. Usually I have to let mine thaw out a bit before cutting it because it freezes so firm. Did it freeze long enough? I usually let mine freeze overnight just to be sure.

      1. Rachel

        Just wanted to come back and let you know that freezing overnight vs for several hours seemed to do the trick. We are enjoying the leftovers now – by the next day the cake and center layer was rock hard.


        Great! I’m so glad it worked! Thank you for letting me know – I always hate it when something doesn’t work out for someone šŸ™‚

  6. Carrie

    Do you use a separate box of cake mix for the ice cream part or take 1 and 3/4 cups of the cake mix from the raw cake mix before you bake?



      I’m sorry – I missed your question somehow. You will need 2 boxes of cake mix. I’ll make that more clear in the instructions.

  7. Crystal

    Im planning on making this cake tonight but I cant find rainbow chip icing at any of our local grocery stores…HELP!!!


      Hi Crystal, I sometimes have trouble finding it too. The one place I can always find it though is WalMart.

      1. Lexie

        My boyfriend is OBSESSED with ice cream and I’ve made this to surprise his sweet tooth! This cake was insanely easy to follow. I used lemon cake mix by accident, but it was still delicious! I’m glad I read the notes to assure I froze it long enough! The cake mix is sold at Publix and Kroger

  8. Rebecca Michelle

    Lovely cake. I’m not familiar with the terms used in Step 3 in the icecream direction. Could you explain please


      I’m sorry it’s confusing Rebecca. You just want to gently mix the cool whip into the ice cream mixture with a spatula or spoon. You don’t need to use the mixer to do it – it will over beat it.

      1. Leia

        1 3/4 cup cake mix (from a second box of cake mix), toasted

        What does the, ā€œtoastedā€ part mean?


      Hi Sara! Yes, you can use all butter and no shortening in the icing, if you prefer. The other option is to not make the buttercream icing at all and instead ice the outside of the cake with whipped cream.

  9. Laura@Baking In Pyjamas

    This cake is so pretty, I love the sprinkles. Your blog is so lovely, I’m going to subscribe!

  10. Gaylia Annette Hancock

    Hey since you have a Christmas birthday consider having a half year birthday party. That way you will still celebrate a true birthday not just Christmas.

    1. Life, Love and Sugar

      Hi Gaylia! I actually tried that once. It just feels kind of weird to ask people to celebrate your birthday when it’s not actually your birthday. It’s kinda hard to get into for me. It’s a great idea though! šŸ™‚

About Lindsay

Iā€™m the baker, recipe developer and photographer behind Life, Love and Sugar. I love sharing trusted recipes with helpful tips to give you great results.

Scripture I’m Loving

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29