Baileys Chocolate Poke Cake

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This Baileys Chocolate Poke Cake uses my best chocolate cake recipe as a base and is topped with  Baileys whipped cream! The chocolate cake is soaked in even more chocolate and Baileys Irish Cream. You won’t be able to stop eating this one!

Baileys Chocolate Poke Cake

This is a cake that I will definitely need to make again. As with everything else you are seeing pop up on the blog since the twins were born, this recipe was created while I was pregnant. While I did take a little taste (naturally, I have to know just how good it is), because of the alcohol I wasn’t able to indulge as I would’ve liked. And believe me, I really wanted to indulge!

Not only is this cake full of chocolate, it’s full of one of my other favorite things – Baileys! You may have noticed that I’ve shared quite a few Baileys desserts over the years like this Baileys chocolate mousse cake, caramel Baileys pound cake, Baileys chocolate cupcakes, Baileys fudge brownies, cake and mini Baileys chocolate cheesecakes. It’s a love affair, I must say. So to not be able to eat even one full piece was a bummer because it’s SO SO good! Not only is there Baileys baked into the cake, it’s also soaked with more Baileys and then topped with it. Go big or go home, right? 😉

Baileys Chocolate Poke Cake topped with chocolate chips and a bottle of Baileys in the background

How to Make Chocolate Poke Cake

So to make this cake, you start with a chocolate cake from scratch. I used my very favorite chocolate cake, modified to include Baileys. If you’ve ever had that chocolate cake, you know how amazing and moist it is. If you haven’t made it, don’t be alarmed by the thin batter and lower baking temperature. It’s all normal and makes one amazing cake.

Once the cake is baked, it’s poked with holes (hence a “poke” cake) and covered with a mixture of melted chocolate, Baileys and sweetened condensed milk. Are you drooling yet?!

A square slice of Baileys Chocolate Poke Cake topped with chocolate chips with a bite taken out on a silver plate with a fork and a bottle of Baileys in the background

The mixture should soak into the holes of the cake, but be sure that the cake is still warm and that the Baileys and chocolate mixture is still warm. The mixture will thicken as it cools, making it harder to soak into the holes. I also would recommend Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk in this cake. I’ve tried a few others and some are thicker than others. Eagle Brand is thinner, which is ideal for soaking into the cake. If you use another brand or have trouble, just add some additional milk (or Baileys) to thin it out a bit. You may still have a thin layer of the mixture on top of the cake, but that’s fine.

The final step is the delicious Baileys chocolate whipped cream. With such a rich cake, the light whipped cream topping is the perfect way to finish it off! The whole combination is pure heaven and a cake I’ll definitely be making again and again – when I can drink alcohol again. 🙂

A square slice of Baileys Chocolate Poke Cake topped with chocolate chips on a silver plate with a fork and a bottle of Baileys in the background

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close up image of Baileys Chocolate Poke Cake

Baileys Chocolate Poke Cake

  • Author: Life, Love and Sugar
  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 45 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Yield: 12-15 Slices
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Oven
  • Cuisine: American


This Baileys Chocolate Poke Cake uses my best chocolate cake recipe as a base and is topped with  Baileys whipped cream! The chocolate cake is soaked in even more chocolate and Baileys Irish Cream. You won’t be able to stop eating this one!



  • 2 cups (260g) all purpose flour
  • 2 cups (414g) sugar
  • 3/4 cup (85g) natural unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup (180ml) milk
  • 1 cup (240ml) vegetable oil
  • 1 cup (240ml) Baileys Irish Cream, divided
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3/4 cup (180ml) boiling water
  • 1 cup (240ml) sweetened condensed milk
  • 3/4 cup (127g) semi sweet chocolate chips


  • 2 cups (480) heavy whipping cream, cold
  • 3/4 cup (86g) powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup (29g) natural unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp (30ml) Baileys Irish Cream, optional
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


  • Mini chocolate chips
  • Chocolate sauce


1. Prepare a 9×13 inch cake pan by greasing the sides. Preheat oven to 300°F (148°C).
2. Add all dry ingredients to a large bowl and combine.
3. Add eggs, milk, vegetable oil, 1/2 cup of Irish cream and vanilla to the dry ingredients and mix well.
4. Slowly pour the water into the batter, mixing well and being careful of splashing.
5. Pour the batter into the cake pan and bake for about 40-45 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out with a few crumbs.
6. Remove the cake from the oven and poke holes all over. I use a knife sharpening rod, but you could also use a straw.
7. While the cake is still warm, add the chocolate chips to a medium sized bowl. Set aside.
8. Add the sweetened condensed milk and remaining 1/2 cup of Irish cream to a microwave safe measuring cup. Heat heat the milk and cream until they begin to boil, then pour over the chocolate chips.
9. Whisk the chocolate until smooth, then immediately pour over the cake, spreading it into the holes. Don’t let the mixture sit before pouring it over the cake or it’ll start to thicken and not soak in the holes as well.
10. Set the cake in the fridge to cool and soak.
11. When the cake has cooled, add the ingredients for the whipped cream topping to a large mixer bowl. Whip on high speed until stiff peaks form.
12. Spread the whipped cream evenly over the cake. Top the cake with mini chocolate chips and a drizzle of chocolate sauce, if desired. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Cake is best if eaten within 4-5 days.


  • Serving Size: 1 slice
  • Calories: 634
  • Sugar: 54.3 g
  • Sodium: 233.1 mg
  • Fat: 35.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 72 g
  • Protein: 8.8 g
  • Cholesterol: 76.6 mg




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  1. Nicolette

    Baked your yummilicious Baileys Choc Poke Cake over the weekend and was absolutely yummy yummy ! Specially bought the Baileys Irish Cream for this cake, now to go look for your other Baileys recipes ! Thank you for a great recipe and such a lovely blog.

  2. Lynn

    I made this cake today to take to a meeting tonight. I wish I would have allowed myself more time. At 300 degrees, 40-45 mins was def not enough time. At 40 mins, there was way too much jiggle in the cake. I turned the oven up to 325 and had to let it go for another 20 -25 mins!!  Was the time/temp correct in the recipe??  I also learned the hard way that I shouldn’t use the handle of a wooden spoon to poke the cake with!!  Lol. I tasted the chocolate whipped cream after it was done, and I could have sat there and eaten the whole thing with a spoon!!  It is light and oh-so-smooth with just a hint of sweetness. Def will make this again. We belong to a square dance club and at the board meeting tonight, it was suggested I make this for our upcoming St. Patrick’s Day party! I may attempt to make it into cupcakes for the party. Any recommendations on that??  

    1. Lindsay

      Hi Lynn! Yes, the time is correct as it was baked in my oven. It’s possible there’s some difference between the way our ovens bake. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the cake! As for cupcakes, that should be fine. I’d say they’d bake between 20-25 minutes, but perhaps that’ll be a little different for you. Then just poke holes in the cupcakes and add the whipped cream on top. Should be fine. Enjoy!

      1. Cathy S.

        i agree with the amount of cooking time. i just increased my oven to 350 and will let continue cooking for at least 10 more minutes. Also, why not use a wooden spoon handle? That’s what I intended to use . . . maybe I could “grease” it with some butter? Can’t wait to taste this, it smells so good!

      2. Sonya

        Your oven must be a convection oven, and others just traditional oven without a fan running inside of it.

      3. Yam

        I intend to make this cake using a round cake mold, but I fear it’s so soft that it will break and won’t come out complete, can it be done this way? Or why is it better to leave it on the baking mold?

      4. Lindsay

        If you remove it before poking it with holes and adding the toppings, it should be fine.

    2. Kelly

      Definite error in oven temperature. Mine is still wobbly at 45 minutes and I just calibrated my oven this month. 300 sounds too low for most baking projects, wish I had gone with my gut and turned the heat up from the get-go. Hopefully it’s not ruined.

      1. Lindsay

        The 300 degree oven is correct. I’ve baked this cake no less than 50 times in several different ovens. Perhaps it needs to bake longer in your oven, but it was accurate in mine.

      2. Michele

        This is my first totally made from scratch cake – and I am having the same temperature problem as others. I may not cook much, but my kitchenaid gas range is in excellent condition. I just turned the temperature up to 350. Hopefully it will still turn out okay. I will adjust the recipe in my paprika app.

    3. Tricia Beaulieu

      I completely agree. 300 is way too low. We are at 1 hour currently and I just turned my oven up to 325 and am letting it go for another 10. It’s completely liquid inside. It’s possible that Lindsay’s oven is hotter than most.

    4. Sarah

      I have to chime in and agree. The cake was still batter after 45 minutes at 300, should be 350 for a standard oven. Sounds like you have a convection oven, but most recipes default to non-convection. You might consider at least noting this in your recipe. Once I got the cake baked, the rest was delicious! Thank you for the recipe.

      1. Stephanie

        Currently baking mine now at 300 in a convection over and it wasn’t near being done at 45 mins. Just pushed it to 325 to see if that will speed up the process. I agree I would have allowed myself more time if I had known it would take so much longer than the recipe says. 

      2. Kristen

        My oven tends to cook fast, so I checked it at 35 min and it was almost done. 40 min at 300 degrees was perfect for me. I’m surprised so many are having to cook it so much longer.

  3. Weronika O

    Lovely recipe, I did make a few tweaks to it. I used less sugar and a substitute for the whipping cream. Still came out fantastic. Thank you for sharing this 🙂

  4. Rajdeep

    This cake looks yumilicious. I wana make this but alas! I dont have oven.. can u tell me how much to set temperature in microwave oven for this recipe…!

    1. Lindsay

      I’m not really sure what method you are looking for. Do you use pinterest? It’s easy to pin it to a board and refer to it later.

    2. Kat

      I copy and paste all my recipes into WORD then I add them to my Google drive in my recipe folder to be available to my kids.

      1. Karen

        I do the same thing as I have my recipes divided into different categories desserts, vegetables meats dinners etc. I put the picture in the corner of the page, add the recipe , and am able to keep it on my computer to email or print it out and give it to others.

      1. Cynthia Knapp

        I do this too only on my iPhone safari and it makes it easy when grocery shopping. I have the ingredients list with me at all times. 

  5. Vicky

    Could you cook off the alcohol from the Bailey’s without ruining the flavor or the cream? I don’t drink alcohol but love the flavor of Bailey’s. 

    1. Lindsay

      Cook it off how? Like during baking? I’m not sure if it really cooks off or not. You could try cooking Baileys down in a pan before using it. Still not sure how it really affects alcohol content and it’d make the flavor stronger, but it could be worth trying.

      1. Ben

        Irish cream is just heavy cream, condensed milk, cocoa powder, vanilla, and whisky. Just make some without the whisky.

      1. David

        I make my own vanilla by boiling rum with vanilla beans in it. I assure you that, even tho the alcohol reaches a full rolling boil at 180 degrees F (I measured it with my digital thermometer), AND I let it boil 3 minutes, there is STILL a great deal of alcohol remaining. The rum is 94 proof, which is 47% alcohol content by volume. When I finished boiling the 750 ml of rum, it had about 4/5ths of it remaining (about 600 ml). To boil out the full 47%, it would have had to have reduced by almost half. 47% of 750 ml = 352 ml alcohol. Subtract the 150 ml by which the volume was reduced (assuming that ONLY alcohol boiled off), and you still have 202 ml (200 ml, for easy math). 200 ml alcohol in 600 ml liquid is 33%, or 66 proof. So, boiling the rum reduced it from 94 proof (47%) to 66 proof (33%).
        Sorry for the math, but if the alcohol is an issue, make Irish cream from scratch without alcohol.

  6. tibbs

    I totally understood the Bailey’s ingredient amount, One cup devided, half cup each used at two different steps in the recipe procedures. Extremely easy to understand.

  7. Elena

    Step 4… Is that the Bailey’s we’re adding? It says water, but there is no water on the ingredients list.

    Also to the sugar shy above – many artificial sweeteners have a 1:1 ratio when substituting for sugar.

    1. Lindsay

      It does – you’re in luck! There’s a teal button labeled “print” in the pink recipe card. Just hit that button and it brings up the printable version of the recipe.

    1. Adena R fisher

      I made this October 29th and we ate the last two pieces tonight 11/10 so that was 2 weeks in the fridge and just as moist and delicious as day 1

  8. Jacob

    What an incredibly delicious sounding cake!

    Now, if only I didn’t have to rely on making my cakes with a cake mix, this would be a ‘go’. I don’t suppose there’d be a way to modify your tantlizing recipe for those of us less….um…..’baking enabled’? lol

    1. Lindsay

      I haven’t tried making a box mix with Baileys, but you certainly could try it. Or you could just bake the chocolate cake and use the rest of the recipe – there’s quite a bit of Baileys and it should still have good flavor.

      1. Lori

        Made this both ways followed the recipe and next time used a boxed mix just put in a half cup of baileys for half the water called for on the box…it’s much better from scratch but the mix was petty good too! Everyone loved this cake it’s a keeper! Thank you Lindsay for the great recipe!

      2. Lynn Lueck

        I made it with a box cake mix substituting 1/2 c. Bailey’s for 1/2 c. water. I used cool whip mixed with chocolate instant pudding folded in for the frosting. (Use only 1 c. milk + 2 TVs. Bailey’s in the pudding) I made it ahead of time, froze it and it was wonderful! Super easy and lots of requests for the recipe! Thank you!

    2. K Black

      You can do a chocolate cake mix with a can of Guinness    Bake as usual.    Cool. And then Pour baileys onto the cake.  Chill and make topping as recipe calls. 

    3. Lynn

      If you use a box mix remember to use the Baileys as half of the liquid in the cake mix or the cake won’t set and will be runny. So if the box calls for 1 cup of water then use 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of the Baileys to equal 1 cup.

      1. Kristi Martin

        Actually, if you really want yummy cake, don’t use water at all. Replace water  with milk. 

    4. Christy Chittick

      I’ve dont this with a box cake. I use 3/4 cup hot coffee and 1/2 c baileys. I omit the water and it turns out great.

    5. Jane Benson

      I just made this today using a devil’s food cake mix. It called for one cup of water. I used the 1/2 cup of Bailey’s and a slight bit more than 1/2 cup water. I followed directions for the rest. It was AMAZING.

    6. Lori Allen

      You can use a dark chocolate or chocolate fudge cake mix. Use Bailey’s instead of water, use your oil and eggs as directed. Then poke cake after it is baked and finish as directed. Might not be as dense and moust, but I have made other poke cakes from scratch, so I am sure this would still be wonderful anyways!

      1. Tracy

        Very easily done too.  1 cup cream, 14 oz  sweetened condensed milk, 3 tsp chocolate syrup, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tsp instant coffee (no Irish Whiskey).

         Considering the effort that went into making this cake from scratch, I would be reluctant to introduce a processed coffee creamer into the mix. Much better to make your own Irish cream .

    1. Denise

      I used the Baileys Irish cream coffee creamer, it’s non alcoholic and it has the same taste. Obviously makes it kid friendly and more of a family dessert.

      1. Brad Kent

        I’ve made this recipe as written except that I used KerryGold Irish cream (because that’s what I had)once before and again just now with Bailey’s. It is delicious and a hit with everyone. It is becoming a holiday tradition apparently. Last year I made it for Christmas and family members were asking me about it before Thanksgiving so I have made it for Thanksgiving dinner. I always taste throughout and I have to say that even though I normally prefer the taste of KerryGold Irish cream this recipe is better with the Bailey’s. Definitely a keeper.

  9. Maria

    I would like to try this cake BUT I’m not wanting to put in 2 cups of sugar!!!! 
    What do u suggest as an alternative.

    1. Lindsay

      I honestly don’t have a suggestion. You could try reducing it, if you like. I’ve not done it though, so I can’t say what the result would be.

      1. Vic

        I used about 2/3 the amount of sugar, in both the cake and the topping, and it was a hit! I usually do it with most cakes, and it seldom fails.
        (fructose is not a good idea – it’s worse than normal sugar.)

      2. Penny

        To decrease the cals, fats, carbs, here are some suggestions:
        1. Use Splenda blend for baking (instead of sugar),.
        2. Use 2% milk, not whole milk.
        3. Use unsweetened or Fat-Free condensed milk.
        Hope this helps!

      3. Shari Sieg

        OMG seriously??? If this doesn’t have the ingredients you are happy with then please move on to the next recipe!! I came to this recipe because I love Bailey’s and most recipes (desserts) it is included in. Don’t do alcohol? Move on. Too much sugar? Move on. I cannot wait to make this!! This is the only time I have EVER replied to a recipe. THANK YOU for something that sounds perfect!

      4. Lindsay

        It goes in the cake in step four. The water adds moisture to the cake and the heat helps the cocoa bloom for a more intense chocolate flavor.

    2. Fran

      You might try half Splenda and half sugar. Or all Splenda, it measures the same. I’ve made cheese cakes with it and they turn out great. 

      1. Wendy Pilkington

        Not a good idea to use Splenda in baking, take it from my past experiences ! What can I use in place of the Bailey’s ?

      2. Lindsay

        There are lots of suggestions for replacements throughout the comments, including making your own Irish cream and coffee creamer.

      3. Penny

        For baking purposes, use the Splenda blend. (!/2 Splenda and 1/2 sugar), as the sugar is needed to make the item rise.
        For non-baked items, just use the Splenda.
        Hope this helps.

    3. Kimberly Thomas

      You can use applesauce in place of sugar. The ratio can be googled. I’ve done it before and it is okay, but I’d rather use cane sugar and enjoy it as is…just eat a smaller piece. I rated it five stars because it looks scrumptious and I can’t wait to make it for my nephews birthday!

    1. Lindsay

      I can see where it’d be confusing. I’ve written it a little differently to make it more clear. The recipes uses a full cup – 1/2 in the cake and 1/2 in the mixture poured over the cake after being baked.

About Lindsay

I’m the baker, recipe developer and photographer behind Life, Love and Sugar. I love sharing trusted recipes with helpful tips to give you great results.

Scripture I’m Loving

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29